Listen to Your Life: Growing Spiritual Intuition Through Art & Embodiment Practices

With Colette Lafia and Mary Loebig Giles

February 21 - 23, 2025

Date and Time Details: Starts on February 21 with dinner at 5:30pm, ends on February 23 with optional lunch at noon

Location: Mercy Center Burlingame

Address: 2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, CA, USA

Contact: Mercy Center Burlingame
(650) 340-7474



ADDITIONAL FEES: $20 paid to the presenters separately for materials will be collected at the retreat


  • Single Room – $480.00
  • Commuter – $360.00
  • Sisters of Mercy ONLY – $384.00

Your life is sacred. Your inner world with God contains wells of mystery and beauty. In this weekend retreat we will gather to listen deeply and creatively explore the depths of our life in the Holy. We will practice discernment, labyrinth walking, and art journaling as intuitive ways to help us cultivate our inner wisdom and develop our capacity for revelation.

A note about artmaking: we are approaching artmaking as prayer and self-reflection. We have all kinds of tricks up our sleeves to help you relax and meet any anxiety or resistance with kindness. This is a process of discovery and play, rather than production or critique.

During our time together, we will engage in:

  • Journaling and “mark making” that will help us explore our inner world intuitively
  • Labyrinth walks to tap into our body’s wisdom
  • Practices of discernment to work with resistance and open ourselves to what we don’t yet know

Our time together will be framed by contemplative practices of breathwork, silent prayer, and rest.

Materials fee paid to presenters separately: $20. Materials fee will be collected at the retreat.

About the Leaders

Colette Lafia

Colette Lafia is an award-winning author, spiritual director, and retreat leader. As a graduate of the Living School, through the Center for Action and Contemplation, Colette has a passion for the contemplative path. She has worked in the spiritual formation programs at Mercy Center Burlingame and is a commissioned Centering Prayer presenter. Her most recent […]

Learn more about Colette Lafia

Mary Loebig Giles

Mary Loebig Giles is Pastor of Action and Contemplation at Common Table SF, a fellow of the Center for Faith & Justice, and a graduate of the Living School at the Center for Action and Contemplation. She offers spiritual direction outdoors in Golden Gate Park and facilitates retreats that awaken the heart through embodied and […]

Learn more about Mary Loebig Giles

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