Online Autumn Zen Sesshin

With The Rev. Alice Cabotaje Rōshi

November 8 - 10, 2024

Online Program Online

5:00 pm Nov 08 - 6:00 pm Nov 10, 2024 PDT

Date and Time Details: Starts on November 8 at 5:00pm PDT, ends on November 10 at 6:00pm PDT

Location: Online via Zoom

Contact: Mercy Center Burlingame
(650) 340-7474



  • $300.00 – Online Autumn Zen Sesshin General Admission Fee (registration for 1 person includes the online retreat)
  • $240.00 – Online Autumn Zen Sesshin Sisters of Mercy Fee (registration for 1 Sister of Mercy includes the online retreat)

A Zen sesshin is an opportunity to practice silent meditation in an intensive, structured setting. That means we will sit in silent meditation for several hours during each of the next two days, following the schedule which has been provided on the website and also attached. Our meditation sessions will be conducted using the Zoom videoconferencing platform.

At its most fundamental level, Zen meditation invites us all to awaken to our True Nature; that is, to an experience of being and living beyond the limitations imposed by our circumstances, our personalities, and our own conditioned egos. As we live our daily lives, we are of course individuals; we have to be, in order to work at our jobs, care for our families, and engage the world in which we live. However…

As most of us have intuited, there is a dimension of being in which we recognize that we, ourselves, are not separate from the other beings in the Universe. And as we realize that dimension, we experience a rich and fruitful oneness with all that is. This realization brings to us a certain peace of mind, and even more importantly, a boundless compassion for others, for all beings. And in times of stress such as the world is living through right now, such compassion serves us all – whatever spiritual or religious affiliation we may profess (or not profess, as the case may be).

For those who haven’t practiced Zen before, a sesshin staff member will be available to introduce you to the basics of Zen practice. We will let you know when and how to join that introductory session. For the rest, we invite you to bring your regular practice to the sesshin.

If you are currently engaged in Koan Study (regardless of the teacher) please contact The Rev. Alice Cabotaje Rōshi at  and please write Nov 2024 Zen Sesshin on the subject line no less than two days before the beginning of the Sesshin to inform Alice of the Koan you are currently working on. This will allow her to look up the koan you’re on before your dokusan/interview time.


Program Schedule
All Times are Pacific Time

Friday Evening

5:00pm  Sign in to Online Session
5:15pm Welcome and Orientation to Rituals and Meditation Sitting
6:00pm Zazen
7:55pm Great Vows for All
8:00pm Retire


6:15am  Sign in to Online Session
6:30am – 8:00am Zazen and Kinhin; (Dokusan beginning at 7:00)
8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast
9:00am – 10:00am Zazen and Kinhin
10:00am – 10:30am Teisho and Kinhin
10:30am – 12:00pm Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
12:00pm – 2:30pm Lunch and Rest
2:30pm – 4:00pm Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
4:00pm – 4:30pm Individual Meditation or Rest
4:30pm – 5:45pm Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
6:00pm – 7:30pm Dinner and Rest
7:30pm – 8:55pm Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
8:55pm Day-End Ceremony
9:00pm Retire


6:15am  Sign in to Online Session
6:30am – 8:00am Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast
9:00am – 10:00am  Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
10:00am – 10:30am  Teisho and Kinhin
10:30am – 12:00pm  Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
12:00pm –  2:30pm   Lunch and Rest
2:30pm – 4:00pm Zazen and Kinhin; Dokusan
4:00pm – 4:30pm Individual Meditation or Rest
4:30pm – 4:55pm Zazen
4:55pm –  5:05pm Sesshin-End Ceremony
5:05pm –  6:00pm Closing and Reflections

About the Leader

The Rev. Alice Cabotaje Rōshi

The Rev. Alice Cabotaje, MDiv, BCC, ACPE Certified Educator is a Zen teacher studying under Ruben Habito Rōshi, of the Sanbō Kyōdan lineage.  He is also the Founding Teacher of Maria Kannon Zen Center in Dallas, Texas. Alice began koan study in 2004 with Fr. Gregory Mayers, C.Ss.R, who directed the Mercy Center East-West Meditation […]

Learn more about The Rev. Alice Cabotaje Rōshi

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