Gabrielle Lou, Psy.D

Gabrielle Lou Psy.D., is a spiritual director and licensed clinical psychologist. She specializes in providing a depth-oriented approach that supports people in their psychospiritual development. Her work emerges from her own struggles and healing journey in God and professional training. Prior to becoming a psychologist, she had worked at a global high-tech firm in Silicon Valley for more than twelve years. Originally from Hong Kong, her own diverse background allows for high regard and sensitivity for ethical, cultural, and religious values.

曾在矽谷的高科技公司從事研究開發工作十二年多。她作為臨床心理學家 (clinical psychologist) , 靈修導師 (spiritual director) 的工作, 源於多年來個人內在工程及與主掙扎和自癒的歷程, 接受專業訓練和體驗, 及對心理靈修發展的熱情。最新的興趣是種蕃茄。