Peter Chan

Peter Chan received his certificate in Spiritual Direction from Bread of Life Center in Sacramento, CA, and is a graduate of the School of Pastoral Ministry of the Oakland diocese. Peter was also trained at the Center for Ignatian Spirituality in Sacramento to give the 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercise. His ministry includes facilitating small group sharing and retreats with the Chinese Ministry at Mercy Center, Burlingame and other Chinese communities. He gives ongoing spiritual directions and guides people doing the Ignatian 19th annotation retreat. Peter seeks to accompany people longing for a close relationship with God to find the divine in themselves and to gain the inner freedom necessary to live fully in the Spirit.

Upcoming Programs by Peter Chan

將臨期粵語退省 2024: 光明來到了世界 Advent Retreat in Cantonese 2024: The Light Has Come Into the World

Also With Victoria Chan

November 16, 2024

我身為光明,來到了世界上, 使凡信我的,不留在黑暗中。 【若望福音12:46】   基督作為「光」來到人間,使我們不再迷失在黑暗中。 在這次將臨期退省中,讓我們敞開心扉,來接受這「光」。 讓「光」穿透我們內心的裂縫,治癒我們生命中的創傷。 讓我們空虛自己,完全沉浸在這「光」中,而成為「光」的一部分。   你們是世界的光﹔建在山上的城,是不能隱藏的。 人點燈,並不是放在斗底下,而是放在燈台上, 照耀屋中所有的人。你們的光也當在人前照耀, 好使他們看見你們的善行,光榮你們在天之父。 【瑪竇福音5:14-16】   I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness. (John 12:46)   Christ has come into the world as light so we will no longer be lost in darkness. In […]